The 2021 disc golf season

As most of the readers of are hungarians, we are only providing a short and informative summary of the hungarian article here.


Will there be a season in 2021 with Covid still around?

Good question, noone knows obviously, but both the hungarian and foreign TDs we have talked to are making preparations as if Covid was not around, but being alert to cancel in the last moment if necessary.


Events in Hungary

Despite Covid, disc golf life does not stop in Hungary, and there will be many local league and country wide 2 day events. A general thumb rule is that in case you see a tournament in the official disc golf calendar of Disc Golf Hungary, then the event will happen. In case it is cancelled, we will make sure to post about that here. A second thumb rule is that it is advisable to join the Facebook group if you are on social media, as most of the news will also be broadcasted there. Note that this applies both to local and foreign events that we have knowledge of.


Other news

If things go well - and why shouldn't they - the City Council of Budapest shall be deciding on whether the large public park of Budapest, Népliget shall give home to a 18 hole disc golf course, or not. In case the councilmen know which button to press, then there is a very good chance that by the end of the year Budapest will have a proper 18 hole permanent course, which would obviously be a huge step for the sport.

Our good men in Debrecen are also planning on a similar, but generally smaller project: they are working on a proposal/project that will enable the installing of a shorter, beginner friendly course in Debrecen, which - needles to say - is another huge step for the sport in Hungary.

The course in Sportliget will receive some trimming, and will be slightly modified to introduce some vatriability: 1-2 new baskets will be installed, some older ones relocated,  works expect to begin in end of March.

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