Őrség Open 2021 (Jul 10-11) – tournament info

Őrség Disc Golf Open - PDGA C-tier event - July 10-11, Őriszentpéter, Hungary


This is the information website for Őrség Open, and it should have all the necessary information you need to know about the event! In case you think that there is an information missing, then please get in touch with us, and we will reply to you as soon as possible!


How to register and pay the tournament fee?

The tournament fee is 10.000,- HUF for players, and 1.500,- HUF for non-players. The tournament fee shuold cover the course preparation costs, the prizes, and the general tournament overheads. Note that the accomodation is NOT included in the prize.

Registration is easy. Just go to this link, and answer all the questions! The tournament can host a maximum of 72 players.

Payment of the tournament fee should also be easy:

Bank Account holder: Kanyon Disc Golf Sportegyesület

IBAN: HU90-16200010-10055403-00000000


Please make sure that you pay for all the receiving banking costs as well, you need to make sure we receive the exact amount, payment deadline is July 5th!


Covid, and current travel restrictions in Hungary

Please note that these rules are valid on June 7th, 2021. In case anything changes, we will notify you per email.

Travel to Hungary

You can enter Hungary without having to quarantine yourself if:

  • you have a vaccination certification (a plastic card, a mobile phone application, etc.)  issued by your own country, and your country is on the list of those countries with whom Hungary mutually accepts these certifications. Today these are: Croatia, Slovenia, Slovenia, Serbia, and some other - most likely disc golf irrelevant - countries, OR
  • you have an english and/or hungarian language medical document proving that you have had Covid in the last 6 months and you are cured from it, OR
  • you can bring one negative PCR test, not older than 3 days. Please note that antigen tests are not accepted. Please also note that normally the rule would be 2 tests within 5 days, but athletes tkaing part at a sport event are required only to do 1 test.

We do expect that from July 1 the uniform EU Covid Passports will also be accepted, butwe have no exact information on that.


Staying in a hotel/camping in Hungary

As of June 7th, ou are allowed to stay in an accomodation in Hungary, if:

  • you have a vaccination certification (a plastic card, a mobile phone application, etc.)  issued by your own country, and your country is on the list of those countries with whom Hungary mutually accepts these certifications. Today these are: Croatia, Slovenia, Slovenia, Serbia, and some other - most likely disc golf irrelevant - countries, OR
  • you can prove that you are traveling on professional purposes. Sport events are considered professional reasons, and we will send you a confirmation that you can show to the accomodation provider (note: if you are staying at the official camping, you will most likely not need this, we will give them the list of players)

So basically, if you are inside the country, then you will be able to stay wherever you want.


Time and place

The tournament will take place on July 10-11, in Őriszentpéter, Hungary.

The timeline of the event shall look like this:

Friday, July 9

Course is available to practice all-day


Saturday, July 10

08:30 Player's meeting by the course, by the tent at hole #1. There will be no score card pick-up, we will do digital scoring.

09:00 Start of Round 1, 18 holes in semi-random groups

12:30 - 14:00 Lunch break (please go to the Food section for more information)

14:30 Start of Round 2, 18 holes, groups by divisions and total scores. There will be no score card pick-up, we will do digital scoring.

Around 18:30 dinner at the Campsite


Sunday, July 10

09:30 Start of Round 3, 18 holes, groups by divisions and total scores. There will be no score card pick-up, we will do digital scoring.

12:30 - 14:00 Lunch break (please go to the Food section for more information)

Around 14:00 Start of Final, 9 holes for the best 36 players (at least 4 players in each division), no scorecards, digital scoring

Around 15:45 Prize ceremony by the tent at #hole 1.


The Course

If you have already been to Őrség Open, then you know what to expect, the course will be the same as in 2020, maybe some smaller changes will be administered.

If you have not yet been to Őrség, then please expect an agricultural/forest landscape, in the heart of a national park, with tight wooded holes, long crushes, and some holes where finesse is required to score well.

We will have a tournament tent at the course to keep us safe from the sun and the rain (if any), and some benches where we can chill between, before and after rounds.

This is a google map link for the course, it is a 4 min car ride from the official accomodation. Please note that it is not allowed to park your car on the agricultural land, so please park them by the side of the street.

And this is the course map from 2020, there is a 95% chance that we will play the same course this year.



The official accomodation for the tournament is the Fazekasnő Camping, In Kovácsszer 72, Őriszentpéter. This is a really cozy nice camping with basic wooden houses (only beds, showers outside) and a huge, very well equipped campsite, this will be the tournament center.

You are of course welcome to arrange your accomodation anywhere else, but if you would like to stay in this place, then you need to indicate this at the registration sheet.

Please note that there is a limited supply of wooden houses and rooms in the stone house, we shall inform you shortly after your registration if your request can be met.


  • the accomodation will be payable directly to the camping owners - one night in the camping shall cost 1700 HUF / night, 2000 HUF/ night for a bus, and the houses are 3700 HUF / night, plus tourist tax in all cases
  • you will need to leave your rooms by sunday morning, before the round!


Please note that for the first time in Őrség history, there will be no breakfast and lunch provided by the organisers. The prices of the reastaurant where we had breakfast got pretty out of control, and also the quality of lunch sandwiches have been declining lately. So we decided to have a longer lunch break between rounds, when people can go back to the camping to get some food.

As for saturday evening, the traditinoal Gulyás will be served, made by one of our friends who is an excellent cook!



We will use digital scoring on the tournament, so please make sure to keep your mobile phones charged. Just in case, we will also have paper score sheets (weak signal may be an issue).



if you have any questions, please let us know! The TD is Dani Hatvani, and you can get in touch with him at hatvani07 at gmail dot com, or +36-three-zero-77756-one-zero






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