CEDGC 2020 és DGOB 2020

A szervezőbizottság, és az eseémnyt koordinál nemzetközi kis csapat döntése értelmében a 2020-as Közép-európai Disc Golf Bajnokságot 2021-re halasztjuk. A szervezők hivatalos közleményét lent olvashatjátok, a lényeg röviden összefoglalva mindössze annyi, hogy még mindig túl nagy a Covid19 kapcsán a bizonytalanság, senki nem tudja megmondani, hogy bő kettő hónap múlva ki tudna, és ki nem tudna eljönni.


Az öröm az ürömben viszont az, hogy ezzel gyakorlatilag eldőlt a 2020-as DGOB sorsa is: a 2020-as Disc Golf Magyar Országos Bajnoskágot Szeptember 26-27-n fogjuk megrendezni a Szarvasi Arborétumban. A versennyel kapcsolatos részletek jelenleg még kidolgozás alatt vannak, de számítsatok arra, hogy hamarosan megjelenik a hivatalos kiírás.






Dear CE Disc Golfers!

It is our sad duty to announce that the 2020 edition of the Central-European Disc Golf Champs also fell victim to the Covid19 pandemic.
The organisation of the event is running smoothly so far, and  now it has come to the stage where serious investments (both financial and PR) would need to be made in order to secure the event: order players packs, pay deposit for the hotel, arrange the city council presence, finalise local media, etc etc etc. Unfortunately  there is no living person on the planet who could predict what stage the pandemic would be by late September: it could be that all disc golfers in our region can travel without restrictions and sporting events can be organised, but there is also a scenario that countries will lock down again, rendering any disc golf tournament impossible to be organised.
With these circumstances, the CEDGC2020 organisation crew came to the conclusion, that there is simply too much uncertainty around the competition, we do not want to make this investment among such circumstances, potentially endangering the good relation we have developed with the local stakeholders (and potentially losing money).
The CEDGC Committe has hence agreed to postponing the 2020 edition of the CEDGC  to 2021, whereby the exact dates of the tournament shall be finalised around the end of this year. That said, we are really looking forward to hosting this prestigeous event in the beautiful botanical garden of Szarvas, Hungary in 2021.
Players who already signed up for the 2020 event will be removed from the list, and any payments already made towards us will be reimbursed (deduction of banking fees may apply).
On another note, there is some good news among the bad news as well: the Hungarian Frisbee Federation has decided to open up the 2020 national disc golf championships for international players as well, and we will be hosting our national event on the original CEDGC dates (September 26-27) in the original CEDGC venue, on the original CEDGC course layout in the botanical garden of Szarvas (more info on this coming soon). Even though this will not be a CEDGC, we still hope to see you in Szarvas later this year!
Dani Hatvani
TD, CEDGC 2020 - on behalf of the organisation team

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